Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Choosing Her First Pair of Children's Dance Shoes

To my amazement I sat and watched as she began to rock back and forth to the beat of the music. I never knew a baby could have a sense of rhythm at just six months old, but she certainly did. She would smile and giggle and she lit up the room. Our house was always filled with music and she seemed to love it.

As she got bigger she continued to dance at every opportunity and I knew it was something I would have to encourage. She was a natural. It was as if it was what she was meant to do. As soon as she turned two I enrolled her in a dance class. I didn't realise you could start them in classes so young but as she had the talent and I wanted her to be able to explore her abilities.

Before her first class we had to go get her first pair of children's dance shoes - it was confusing to say the least. So many brands, so many choices and the fact she would outgrow them quickly made it even more difficult. Little did I know this would be the first trip of many in the years to come and it would become a mother daughter tradition that I would treasure.

As we had her feet measured she was amazed with the colours and ribbons. I had decided her first pair of children's dance shoes had to be pink - that was a must. As she was my only girl in a family of five children, she wore pink every day. I never knew there was such an art in deciding which children's dance shoes to buy but the sales clerk explained that each style was different and a good fit was essential. She said they needed to be snug in order to stay on while dancing so she carefully tried on several pairs to make sure we found the right one.

We ended up choosing a pair of children's dance shoes that were very pretty and befitting a two year old. They were pink with ribbons and made her look like a little princess. I remember watching her in her first performance wearing those sweet little shoes. She smiled at everyone and began to dance like it was what she was born to do. Every movement being slightly exaggerated which made people giggle at times. On her face there was a seriousness at times that made me wonder what she was thinking. My precious little princess. My baby girl.

My little girl has since gone through many pairs of children's dance shoes. But every new pair has to be pink and when she dances she still has that determined look. I have kept her first pair of children's dance shoes in hopes that maybe one day she will have a daughter of her own to pass them down to. And that one day she will feel the joy I feel the first time I saw her perform in those little pink shoes.

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