Sunday, March 28, 2010

Traveling With Children to Oaxaca, Mexico

Oaxaca has always been known as an adult destination, steeped in ruins, colonial churches, museums and a tradition for the visual arts and crafts. But after touring the region visited regularly since 1991, always with our daughter, and now having lived here for a few years and regularly Friends and Family with young children around the city and in remote locations without a doubt, young families considering a visit should repeal all remaining fear with regard toboth the welfare of the young offspring, and the ability of parents to at least something of a romantic weekend to have.

Concerns may also ask if there is enough pages to keep your child's interest, if you will be able to remove the remains of the pre-Hispanic cultures, the children go without getting bored to death if you ever able to sneak for a dinner on your own if you have to pay a premium to find houses with swimming pool --- the guarantee for an afternoonis always the best bribe --- and the wisdom of perhaps only with a beach holiday and saving of Oaxaca for another time you can do it without the family.

After such considerations from time to time, thought, I can now valuable suggestions on where to even without a pool, what tour routes definitely keep the interests of children and young people, and what activities are available in and around the city to stay informed about to young travelers aligned.

Overnight,and swim

Suburban Hotel San Felipe is a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of downtown ... The swimming pool is situated in a picturesque area stained with the rural areas and rolling hills. Several friends have also enjoyed Holiday Inn Express, at the northern end of downtown sector. But many visitors to Oaxaca prefer a picturesque and traditional environment to the somewhat sterile Americanized accommodations can not rationalize the cost of hotels such as Camino Real or LosLaureles, impressive in its own right.

Most of the smaller family-owned business and operate hotels, bed & breakfasts and guesthouses no pool, but should not be discounted-of-hand. Some have made arrangements with pool near hotels for their guests to visit.

Each accommodation is in a position to you on alternatives to number one on the site as a pool of water parks along the highways into the city. These facilities have pools of varying sizes and depths,large water slides, and other appurtenances for the kids there for most of the day held. A short taxi ride away from downtown Las Brisas and La Bamba.

There are two other alternatives. Consider this one of several "balnearios" about half an hour's drive from Oaxaca is located in the town of Vista Hermosa, Catering, whole families and not primarily children. In the hot season, you will find families and friends can find around the pool, play volleyball, or sitting under palapas eating a variety of local fare is available from the small comedor.

Then there's Hierve el Agua, at the end of the out-of-town tour routes. The site consists of two large basins by natural bubbling springs, in a beautiful mountain landscape with a fossilized mineral fed "waterfall." They are safe for children and large and deep enough to meet its aquatic aspirations of an adult. Most tourists do not get to Hierve el Agua, probably because of the distance, but> My book is a must for families with children, especially if it is done in conjunction with a few other stops.

Oaxaca is based solely on tourism for their existence, and accordingly accommodations that welcome children should stoop to families with "little things" like a stroller, crib with accessories claim to provide car seat, high chair for use in their dining room and a reference for a reliable baby sitter, can come to the hotel while you arean evening. Provided at the time San Felipe babysitting when our daughter was pre-teen. If you are looking for, seriously, you should be able to find smaller hotels and pensions similar to recording. If you can read your child and the babysitter has a limited understanding of English, you give your child a series of prepared questions and comments phonetically [ten go Ám Bray (I'm hungry); arrow key is na (I want to go swimming)] . If your child is too young,niñera the experience should be to identify pressing issues. All accommodation should be an English-speaking doctor on call who in the unlikely event of illness.

Two child-friendly tour routes

1) Hierve el Agua:

The promise of Hierve el Agua at the end of the two main tour routes is the best way to keep up with where the kids in check during the first half of this day trip. On the way back to Oaxaca from this page you will be sleeping in the back of the caror van undoubtedly been exposed to too much sun and water activities.

Your morning begins with a stop in El Tule, the massive Cyprus 2000 years old tree. Make sure that you have a kid in a Robin Hood suit guide will show you the many pictures in the trunk, with the help of a mirror. Encourage your children to trade words in English and Spanish with the little Hoodettes. A key to holding the interest of young children to interact with them the opportunity to work with others,of similar age ... and it provides a good lesson in cultural diversity.

On Teotitlän del Valle, the rug village, ask your leader, to take you where you have a demonstration where the children of the weavers and grandchildren will be present may have. Your children can play, touch the raw wool, try to turn it over and dyed their hands wet, and even in large barrels of natural plant material in the process of dyeing of wool. While you are searching for a bottomCover or wall hanging, let the kids for a suitable piece of imaginative pictures for the bedroom, or a mini-rug (ie wool roller coaster) with an imaginative design. She wants to spend as much time as you choose. Our daughter grew up with regular visits to the Casa Santiago. It seemed to me as Sarah was getting older, there were always two or three children or grandchildren Santiago available to occupy their time and keep them in tow.

If you travel the route on a Sunday, there's no better place tokeep the children in awe as the market Tlacolula ... the colors array of sale items, candy, turkeys, live, music, hawkers, and the craft market. It takes at least an hour and a half by bringing the market, so the promise of a dishful of ice cream (actually a healthier sorbet called nieve), while the trick works on the market. One area that has several stationary salons where one can sit and enjoy a cone or a plate of several tropical fruits.

The two most importantRuins along this route are Yagul and Mitla, the latter being more grandiose and famous. Everyone has to intrigue the young grave chambers excavated from Tomb Raider. Since it unreasonable to expect to go to two children's remains in a single day, whatever tactics employed by the parents, I would opt Yagul. It has two graves, which are derived, which can by all. It is a labyrinth, in which the children running around and can be temporarily lost. Children tend to enjoy the steep passleading to a fortress. At the top there is what the archaeologists say, is a bathtub made of stone, carved into which the children enjoy sitting. Finally, the site of interest should be to all adults, with their pre-Hispanic ball game and a view over the valley from the top of the fortress. It might be put, blasphemous to even close, but you think, especially for young children, why not save for another visit to Mitla. Finally, you are probably going to Monte Alban, the granddaddy of the schlepRuins of the region.

If you are losing some of the sites already mentioned, then you are probably not the time to visit the zoo along this highway, you should still feel compelled to do so. The kids can always get back to the zoo at home.

Whichever of the two lanes, you know Hierve el Agua, your destination, you will pass goats, sheep and / or cattle, either on the side of the street or in front of you that you dictate to yield driven the herds. Stop and promotion ofChildren out with you. Ask if it is safe to hop on the back of the animals, or at least stand next to the photo session.

There are reliable restaurants, both on the way to Hierve el Agua (ie Doña Chica at Mitla, by the roadside and El Tigre on the cutoff Albarradas San Lorenzo) and on the site, but if you tend to be especially careful with the children, there are benches at the pool, where you can eat your own picnic lunch. Alternatively, you can relax and munch whilesitting on the rock outcroppings.

The more you allow your children to swim, the greater is your assurance that the trip will return peacefully to the city, quiet and relaxing especially.

2) arts and crafts:

San Bartolo Coyotepec provides an extremely appealing to another full day of touring. On one of the many workshops, with demonstrations of the ancient craft of producing fine black pottery without the use of a wheel or modern tools. This artshould hold the attention of children of all ages. For additional security, ask your leader, a studio like Doña Rosa, where Maestro Don Valente allows children to go to a table near the demonstration and working meeting with the same tone. While the children their hands dirty while at the same time, you will learn how to fashion a bowl of freshly mined clay, water, heat and little more. Browse the showroom and choose from a wide range of both leanand to seek modern and traditional pieces, while the children for ceramic molds of their favorite animals.

In nearby San Martín Tilcajete allow some of the workshops produced brilliantly carved and painted wooden animals you make arrangements in advance for your kids to choose and then paint the animal of their choice, under the guidance of one of the owners of the facility. Once again, it will probably be an opportunity for children to pet and play with the children and the hunt fortheir age.

For lunch, try Azucena Zapoteca on the highway at the entrance to San Martín Tilcajete. The food is good, traditional and safe, and the grounds are spacious and equipped with a swing to deal with your children within your site area, while you dine.

The village of Santo Tomás Jalieza is known for the production of cotton table runners, placemats, napkins, bags and belts, with the primitive back strap loom, and bedspreads and tablecloths with a lot oflarger machines. One of the cultural experiences for the children in this setting, remember to help their colleagues from more than 10 years, with the family of trade and its financial sustenance.

On Ocotlán you will fall through the houses of the Aguilar sisters, the painted clay figures depicting representative fashion brand places, religious images, comedic and colorful depictions of love fiestas. At least one of the workshops generally has a quantity of unpainted figureswhich each child can express his own creativity.

Finally, a few minutes down the road of your family have the opportunity to witness Ángel Aguilar hand-forged knives and cutlery with only recycled metals in a rudimentary stove. The attitude is fascinating, primitive, and safe for children. In just a few minutes right before your eyes, Ängel can engrave your child's name and a fantastic drawing on a souvenir knife with a 1-cm-long blade and leather sheath, and moremore important is the inscription may be what your child chooses.

If you follow this route on Friday, you will be able to have the Ocotlán market, similar to wander the Sunday Tlacolula market, albeit smaller.

Each of these two routes has additional stops, but to maximize this special selection of highlights sites that experience that your children will remember for a lifetime.

And do not forget the city

Throughout the year there are numerous local andinternational celebration, with color and pageantry, song and dance, and although some designed with a youthful audience. The website should be consulted shortly before leaving for your trip. In addition to listing weekly events, such as where and when the mariachi band and the state of Oaxaca can be heard, as well as information on a number of museums and galleries, but certain details of upcoming festivals and performances, when Guerrero's baseball teamplay will be (a treat for sports fans of all ages), fireworks, and most of the major upcoming events.

A Saturday morning hours for bilingual children is at the Oaxaca Lending Library ( instead. The library sponsors some additional programs for children.

Many of the Spanish language schools have a specific curriculum for children, so if you are considered brush on your Spanish, there is no need, about how the children in the morning time to worrywill be occupied. Casa de la Cultura also offers courses for children. Finally, there are a number of nonprofit organizations in which young foreigners will be given an opportunity to the disadvantaged or struggling local child support.

Talk with your guide or hotel manager to focus more concrete suggestions for children of specific age groups and passions. Young people with a strong interest in fine art could be impressed, workshops of a few local artists, or maybe you continue to visitAn alternative tour of the city, in the studio of a sculptor, a hand paper mill takes artistic level, and the Center for the Arts from the 19th Century mill houses. For those who are sensitized to environmental issues or who are exposed to camping and outdoor, can the family a few days in a rustic mountain scenery in the Sierra Norte ... Hiking, biking, horseback riding, and requires learning about, particularly in industries such as the State making progress inTerms of environmentally friendly production.

The options are innumerable. It is simply a question of doing a little homework, ask, and then celebrate a holiday to a large extent on your children. The inevitable reward will not forget about your own memories of the region and the richness of cultural diversity and a greater appreciation of the magic of Oaxaca.

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