Sunday, December 13, 2009

Scrapbook Layout Sketches

Not in the mood (or no time) have the book - trying on some scrapbook layout sketches for the events that you be inserted in your scrapbook.

Why? ... We have found that scrapbook layout sketches help to do two things:

1. It helps you make an efficient use of your time if you treat actually scrapbooking. If you already know how the layout of your photo before their time, think of how many pages you could have actually run.

2. It also helpsThey make more efficient use of your supplies. If you use a guestbook entry layout sketch as the basis for your site, you reduce the risk compared to that your "good" scrapbook paper waste, visualize an idea.

Now, it is best to keep all your scrapbook layout sketches in one place - no sticky notes allowed! This can be as simple as a notepad or a real sketchbook, but it is important that you do something where you have your ideas for future scrapbook layouts have entry. We have oftenfeel like ours is to our hips fixed, as we will always, always inspired by something new.

TIP: You can also use your sketchbook to record color ideas. Do you love the colors in a T-shirt of your son? Do you have an unusual, but very, color combination on a lampshade? Why not keep a record of the colors for a possible future design?

It is not hard to do ... Cutting stick just a few swatches of cardboard for the colors to make it on a page in your sketchbook andnotes if necessary (eg, theme, what could it). It seems simple, but you, not what you know to be surprised a few months on the road.

When looking for inspiration for scrapbook layouts, it helps to think outside the box and beyond. You'll be surprised where you find ideas for creative scrapbook layouts. Of course, there are countless books that will layout ideas, but if you are looking for something a little cheaper, try the weekly lectures and SalesMagazines - our personal favorites. Take some time to browse one days and a few magazines. What is not specifically looking for the articles on the pages - look at how the elements are created on each page and ask yourself the following:

Where the pictures are placed?
Where is the text ... the title?
What forms do they use?

Sometimes you can also ideas for decorations.

Sketching Forgot your layouts, do not you leave some room for the title. The title must not to take upMuch of the layout, but it does deserve some attention. There are no rules laid down by title, unless they should relate to your pictures. There are even some wiggle room in this regard did not like your title, to describe the event (eg, Merry Christmas or Happy Birthday).

You can describe the feelings, as expressed in the images (eg, joy, courage, etc.). You can also song titles like "You are the Sunshine of My Life" for the layout of a child or"Viva Las Vegas!" to maintain a recent trip to "The Strip."

While you will see usually a title on the left side of two sides to spread, you can track your location almost anywhere ...

Horizontally across the page (top, middle or bottom)
Vertically in the left or right side of the page
Lower right corner of the page
Overlap on the focal image
Integrate into an embellishment (eg day)

If your title is a little long, you can examine toBreaking It Up in a title and a subtitle. Although it is not already in your journaling, make sure to add a time element in the title. If the scrapbook layout is about a certain non-recurring event, include the full date (month-day-year). Is this a recurring event, like Thanksgiving, you can also only the year.

Why is this so important? ...

Not only indicate that your scrapbook is a great opportunity for your images, it is an heirloom with valuablegenealogical information.

The bottom line with titles, how about scrapbooking, being creative. Use stickers, stamps, computer fonts, or your own handwriting ... whatever you make your own!

Once you draw your sketches, save the fine-tuning your measurements with our money tip below.

Save Money Tip

Do not want to spend $ 60 to ... $ 80 $ 100 for a layout template system? Want to ensure that your scrapbook layout sketch makes sense and look before you, with balancedCut into your good card and patterned paper? Use message board to make your own templates! It will not only save money, but it makes scrapbook layout design so much easier. So ... do not throw that unused box!

You can move the guestbook layout elements, to see how they help and mesh, you will see whether you need to) plants (or enlarge any of your photos. A good starting point to begin with ...

2 to 12 "x 12" cardboard sheet
2 to 2 "x 12"Cardboard Strip
2 to 4 "x 12" cardboard strips
1 to 5 "x 7" mat (actual size 5.25 "x 7.25")
1 to 5 "x 7" block (only) picture
2 to 4 "x 6" mat (actual size 4.25 cm x 6.25 ")
2 to 4 "x 6" blocks (only) Pictures
3 to 3.5 "x 3.5" blocks (only) for images

As you create more scrapbook layout sketches, make additional templates as needed (for example) tags, or different sizes of images.

Happy Scrapping!

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