Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tips On Being A Successful Magician

People who want to get into the profession of performing as a magician should know about the ins and outs of the business.

Being a professional magician is a field which is quite hard to get into without the proper motivation, know-how and guidance.

Here are some helpful tips on how you can land a gig as a magician and break into the field of performing magic tricks professionally:

1. Search within yourself and find out what you wish to gain from

You might consider this field because you have found out that you are good with magic tricks. Another motivation could be that you love to perform in front of people. Whatever it is that pushes you to go after the art of magic tricks, you have to make sure that they are the proper reasons and that you see yourself doing it with passion and flair for many years to come.

2. It takes one to know one.

If you want to be a professional magician, learn everything you can about the field first. Check out the tricks of the trade.

If possible, study the ancient magic tricks and learn about how the greatest magicians started out and what their 'signature tricks' were.

If you are a magician who is just starting out, you should watch as much magic as you can.

Go to magic shows and see how the magicians perform and interact with the audience. Watch videos and imitate the performers if you can. The more tricks you have up your sleeve, the greater a magician you will be.

3. Be what you want to be.

You can be a mere hobbyist, or have a professional career in performing in front of a crowd, or you might want to be the next David Copperfield or Harry Houdini.

You need to work hard and invest more time, effort and practice if you want to be the next "great" magician.

4. Practice.

Perform a trick in private and make sure that it is perfect before attempting to perform it in front of an audience.

Also, never reveal your trade secrets, even to a friend, because this ruins the illusion.

Another important thing to remember is not to repeat the same trick in front of the exact same audience.

5. Know the right people.

If you plan to perform professionally for a particular group, either children or adults, you need to look for the contacts to help you land a gig or a performance to practice and hone your craft.

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