Thursday, October 28, 2010

When children behavior is getting worse, what's changed?

This article came to my mind because of reading two recent national news reports and another in a weekly educational magazine.

The newspaper reports highlighted cases of people who ride in the deaths of bats' behavior in their neighborhood in a horrific case of a mother killed herself and her child -. Driven to despair by the behavior of others in another case, a house was on fire. set a fire station and a mother died after ensuring her son's safety.One could argue that newspapers are sensationalism at the events. Even if this is true, the fact remains that innocent people have died.

The educational journal is to dispel a number of reports "media fueled myths" today regarding education. to "expose" The first report claims the myth of the deterioration in behavior at school in recent years. It is claimed that only 2% of schools have unsatisfactory levels of behavior.

It seems a Confiict be of the opinion on thisSubject. Thugs who are supposed to create a culture of fear and despair in death against the alleged behavior is to improve the schools. In the investigation of a research project I have a large amount of reading about it in pereptions to standards of conduct schools. Like now, the topic was fueled with conflicting arguments.

I read claims that teachers were leaving the profession, citing the behavior of children as a reason. Claims of the increase in attacks on teachers.Claims that schools are not reporting the correct numbers of attacks on teachers, because their reputation will be damaged! The claim that children of primary school age are persistently disobey school rules, being out of control and no respect for adults. All these claims were from prestigious conferences and newspaper reports. Not all the negative news from the gutter press sensationalism news as some claim!

But unlike a government department claimed that a smallNumber of students cause problems, but are rarely violent. Another government report claimed secured, there is a lack of evidence that there is more violence in schools than in the past. A later report from the same department that most children's behavior in school is good and getting better.

The contradictions in the perception seems to exist between between the people I always call those at the "sharp end" - in the firing line (teachers!).They are actually anything but sit in a comfortable office at my desk shuffling papers all day. On the other hand, government officials (the paper shufflers?), Improving an interest in promoting exercise behavior in the school have.

Thus, the behavior is improving? It's hard to say, but I suspect, will find a lot of people would the idea absurd! In my own area, there was an increase in the numbers of temporary and permanentExclusions, with much younger children, a growth problem area. And what do children generally be excluded for? Bad behavior - what else?

What's changed? Some people claim that children have changed ... Can this be true? Well, if their behavior is worse then probably you could say they have changed. I do not think that's the case - children just did not had enough time to evolve and change so much. What has changed, however, is adult entertainment to children. So many peopledo not know how to effectively manage discipline or behavior of children -. You do not even have to believe they have the responsibility or right to do it that does not tolerate unacceptable and do not know what to do to change things. You do not know what they are doing "allowed" ... Bad behavior is increasingly accepted as normal ... This is so harmful to children and very stressful for adults.

I hear from many adults who are afraid, they did not "allowed" to discipline orcorrect behavior of children. It is alleged that the teachers have a wide range of skills to student behavior inside and outside the classroom to manage.

But even if they manage these forces, what the use of them when the knowledge and skills to not teachers use to ensure their effective children's behavior?

An additional complication is the lack of appropriate consequences for bad behavior. Oh, this last sentence is full of politically correctJargon - education is full of it. I know that is the same in most areas of modern life - full of messages that are soft on the truth - full of euphemisms ... So, what to say the sentence? Bad behavior should be punished ... Now that is really controversial! Maybe then to actually improve behavior and families can live in peace and quiet, tortured by thugs with no - or if the behavior was not acceptable then something actually about them, instead of excuses to be done (punishment?)done and done nothing.

But you can change things, you can learn how to manage children's behavior - and it's really not difficult. There are basic rules for successful behavior management - those who know, practice and then applied them consistently. Do you think you do. We owe it to children.

Tags : relationship customer

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