Friday, June 11, 2010

Rocks, Gemstones and Minerals

The Earth has recently been tremendous changes for over four and a half billion years on the planet that we know now. This applies also to the fact that it has taken that long to make some of the minerals and rocks, it has produced. Even if the earth is in constant change, evolution and renovation, more and more rocks, supports this vision by us in the right perspective on the time and the formation of rocks and minerals. Given that we: Consider what rocks, crystals (stones) and minerals have in common and how do they differ?

Rocks, minerals and precious stones are all below the vegetation and soil, that the earth's surface and the different geological processes cover found.

Rocks and minerals form the underlying crust. On the surface of the earth from water, sand, earth and ice covered. In some places we can also be seen exposed rocks, especially in the mountain ranges. Rocks are exposed asDue to the rain, wind, erosion and volcanic eruptions, which they push up on the street.

A mineral is a naturally occurring substance or element present in the earth's crust. Minerals are the most common material on Earth. Unlike rocks, is a mineral that the same chemical composition of the total and is composed of two or more chemicals. Minerals are not rocks. Stones and crystals are minerals that have been subjected to various geological processes.

Rocks are a combination of two or more minerals indifferent proportions. There are different types of rocks depending on how they are formed. Most of the rocks and minerals formed in the crust, as the contents leak from the interior of the magma deep holes and crevices, the only exception sedimentary rocks that develop from the slow development of soil deposits.

Crystals are minerals that form when liquid molecules through a process called crystallization bond. The molecules of crystals arrange themselves in regular and orderly patterns. ByExcluding diamonds and peridot form crystals within the Earth's crust. As a general rule, when people talk about crystals, they are usually referring to gemstones Crystal formation occurs when the liquid minerals from inside the earth to cool and harden. Most mineral crystals take to develop thousands of years.

The tectonic plates form to measure the Earth's crust and about three miles deep in the deep ocean floor and twenty-five miles under the continents. These platesslide over the mantle are in constant motion, friction, and renovation of all sides. The Magma is molten rock mostly, found under the surface of the earth's crust in magma chambers. What escapes from the mantle, is through the renewal process of the earth, stones and crystals.

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