Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tips to Make Writing Good and Powerful

There are writers who are creative types. You can have ideas and thoughts run free and create a story from her wild imagination. Misplaced commas, do missing periods and misspelled words are not in their way. Then there are the logistical, mechanical types like me to edit and perfect every word in every sentence, before the next paragraph.

It takes both kinds of writers of fiction and non-fiction covered.

While my friends can weave a fictionHistory, take me to a reading fantasy, I doubt I would enjoy reading her book, if not for someone to edit it. Right-brained left brained writers need editors!

Perfectionist types well with non-fiction books such as self-help, medical or scientific research, political issues, the "serious" genre, because they are so close attention to detail. You will probably complete their bibliography, long before they are satisfied that the copy is ready for a publisher or releasedPrinter. We are our own worst critics! We could use a lesson from the right-brained writer.

I have three tips that I think are necessary to writing good and powerful. These apply regardless of what kind of writer you can be:

1st Write to your audience. Fiction or nonfiction, keep your reader in mind. What age, education level, interests and expectations? Delivered to the customer. This is especially important if you are a freelance writing for aClient. Know their market and their business well enough to their customers or employees.

2nd Let your creativity flow. Do not be distracted twice as much time typing at the end of a sentence, while still creating the text. You can always go back and correct punctuation and spelling, when you're done.

3 Ask someone reading correction for you. When I was a piece for a few days before I come back to sit, I catch most of my mistakes, but I guesssomeone correct my work before it expires.

Remember: The more you write, the better you get at it. So make time to do what you love and write to your heart!

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