Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Zachary's Tale - A Journey Into Sensory Disfunction

The time on the clock says 9:30; I look down at my sleeping little boy to sleep, I just rocked silently. It's something latched comfort care. How are we rock I'm staring down at him and wonder what his future may hold.

Zachary is my 27 - ½-month-old son, and was diagnosed (I hate that word, some, for me, as it implies that there is something wrong, that the medicine could fix) with Sensory Integration Dysfunction and delayed language, and with someQuestions of diet or eat. These diagnoses were about 6 months ago with a team of qualified therapists and specialists.

Living with and Zachary is not at all like the life I imagined for him. Of course as a young mother, you have all the hopes, expectations and desires that each new mother. Even with having an older child, my work in a preschool and being a nanny, I had an idea of what was to come. I thought I knew to expect, talking, walking, fine motor, meals onQueue, and other things. It all seemed so invested in a kind of master plan, at least not for all the children I have ever seen.

Around the time my son claimed that I began to consider really notice the small differences in it differences that are most noticed for the first time pregnant, perhaps not until much later. One was what struck me about his lack of wanting to eat baby food (he was still caring for the greater part of his life, and today nurses for a good portion of the foodhe takes in). His inability to fall asleep easily (he can take from 30 minutes to 2 hours to fall asleep) and his inability to make little baby noises (Zachary never was a "chatterbox" and at 27 months, have just begun to speak) I was struck on. Even his ability to walk was out (he was always run things). He was a super active (almost over-active) little boy who longed for movement, especially in climbing, still.

At this point, I decided to close again for several close friends whoall recommended the book "The Out of Sync Child". When reading this book, on almost every page, on almost every area that I shook my head in agreement with almost everything that is said is what! YES, I finally thought, something that described "my child", something that my ideas, which allows me who could help him, and where I could go to help him! Had I finally found something that "makes sense". Every aspect of life seemed to Zachary's something like a sense;also things that I do not think were connected, I learned were! Each area affected within the book seemed to jump (at least in some part be correlated) with, did what Zachary and / or seemed to be feeling. As he acts, or in response to the world and the life around him, finally started to make sense to me!

Thus, about half way through the book, I called my state early intervention program. We set a meeting for 5 months later, it seems nothing in the "system" works fast. On theTime of his evaluation, he was formally given the delayed diagnoses of Sensory Integration Dysfunction, with a speech.

When sensory and speech us Zachary's questions follow us all day, every day.

So you could walk a mile in his shoes?

Perhaps you could .. That is, if you ever get your socks to have "just right." You need to have on and off for five or six times at the seams, they were "just get it" and the tightness around the leg to be made ok. " Then you would have to screamBut put on a fleece or cotton adapt Union, because you can not communicate to everyone, what's wrong with this outfit. Then, while it is attracted, drag, tear to cry, and cry (also sometimes take extra if it is painful) until the color is so perfect at the seams "ok" or the tags will not save you in the back .

Perhaps you could .. If your mommy tell you three or four times before changing activities that you are heard and understood. Repetition over and over again, because the light in your eyes, your sister is breathing and talking, or the fan is on, making it almost impossible to concentrate on to you what it says to.

Perhaps if you understand that would be the texture, smell and taste of most foods, too much for you. So much so that meals will be almost impossible for you to tackle to deal with. But knowing that you are one of the "lucky ones", her mother is still comfortable with nursing you, so you at least a"Good form of nutrition. Since you are a nurse somewhere 4 to 10 times a day.

Maybe if you could hear every little bump, burp and voice, no matter where they came from the house. All these sounds were crowded into his mind, making it almost impossible to concentrate on the simplest tasks, from playing to learning. Not able to communicate so that all know that any of them even going on inside you.

Perhaps it would be if you put everything in your longingMouth, because you need this form of stimulation. If you cry really no way of communication except grunting or. She had no way to have the world around them, we know nothing about what happens in your head, your thoughts and feelings. No way to show you some time will be nullified.

Maybe if you took incessantly on yourself, your "boo-boos," and fingers until they bleed, even without feeling the pain, what you do. Or when strangers looked at her, rolling eyes,or it shows the finger at you because you're talking about instead of grunting or meet to play instead.

Maybe if you did not last a single task for more than two or three minutes, hate crying all the time transitions and screaming, and throwing a fit at every change that needs to be done, no matter how small. If you get sick every time you got into the car because of the lack of control. If you could not jump very high and only bodies without the fearViolated. If going into a crowed it literally freaked you, for no other reason than all other people. If the idea of pouring water or something on the head or face, you sent spiraling into a tailspin scream and scratch for a breath, because you believed that you have to be stifled.

Maybe if you could live every day feeling like this, you could. But I do not know for one second think so.

To search for her fiance, you would think, "no problem", he is anormal little boy. However, this is not the case, what I have described is only a small part of what is going on my little boy, but every minute of every day. I do not think you could do it, not even, I think you would want.

The therapist, he works with now help a huge amount. Zachary is now with some sign language to talk to us, is nonsense, and is much more willing to try food and other things that it "ick Make-A-fied". However, it is a very good thing that I didin the program at his young age. The research shows that cooperation with a young mind a lot easier than working with an older one. Young children have felt a "plastic" have brains, which means that it is still to be rebuilt or altered. The older a child is the harder it is to change the behavior and structure.

One of the great battles of children like Zachary's face, so that they appear "normal", there is no "tell tail sign" that something was wrong "deep into their little heads." That way, people canThey look at you and think: "normal, no problems," then start to think there is something emotionally wrong with them.

In general, Sensory Integration Dysfunction is basically the inability of the brain, the information that is placed in the process if you (your sense of whether this sense internal or external). The central nervous system dysfunction occurs in deep in the brain. So basically it, if in a "glitch", and the brain can not analyze, organize, get in touch orsensory integration of the messages sent to it. Internal or near the sense would be;) vesicular sense (in the inner ear that contains information about the movement, gravity and balance processes that affect the sense of touch (skin), the processes, and the proprioceptive sense (muscles and joints), the processing of Information about the postures and body parts. The external or wide sense would smell, touch, sight and hearing.

The end result is that a child (or adult) with sensoryDysfunction can not respond properly to sensory information, which in turn makes sense, consistent feel almost impossible for them. Where a "normal" child, then it has to work the child with a sensory dysfunction, and work hard to achieve it. The child may be a, over sensitivity, with sensitivity, or both (which is usually the case.)

Children, as are my son to have the sensory issues, literally fighting an internal battle with yourself every day, only the processingHalf of what has to offer the world around them.

You may think you have the ability to walk in the shoes of my son ..

However, I do not believe what you walk in the shoes ..

Not because the shoes are too small, but because ..

They are not specific enough.

My Links : babymonitor woodworking project plans

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