Saturday, August 28, 2010

Affirmation Child's Craft - Building Self-Esteem With a Two-Part Craft Project

One thing I know for sure - it is to learn to never start too early to think positive!

Here is a simple arts and crafts, 5:00 to 7:00 enjoy creating children that age. It comprises two parts: First, make the three-dimensional craft, and the other is repeated in writing and an affirmation. Affirmations are positive statements written in first person present tense. They are often repeated throughout the day. It's all a question of giving our subconscious minds apositive blueprint for a happy, meaningful life.

This project is suitable for a small group of children also for, say, a classroom or a church group.

Materials needed: (available at your local craft store)

A small mirror, maybe 2-3 inches in diameter. It can be any shape. It may not be perfectly round.

A small amount of air to dry non-toxic colored clay. Crayola makes a brand of clay that will work well. Because it air dry clay, is the project will notare baked in an oven, and it will harden in 24 hours.


Step 1 Each child chooses a small number of colored clay. The sound can be compressed and mixed, striped or whatever will do design the children.

Step 2 Mold the clay into a lumpy ball shape. press Insert one edge of the mirror on the top of the capital and down so that the underside of the capital is now doing a flat bottom, and the mirror is stuck slightly in the clay. The lump sum should now "stand up" by itself, withthe mirror placed firmly in the upper part of the sound.

Step 3 The clots can be "decorated" by letting you in the blunt end of a pencil to make holes, and / or grooves are created with a paper clip by drawing lines in the clay. The children can leave their thumb prints in a range, and smear a different area so it is smooth. The only limit is the imagination of the child and common tools found around the house. Clay is placed on the upper edge of the mirror also to maintain it. Wipethe mirror before the clay dries completely clean.

Set aside this beautiful mirror creation.

The second half of the project involves writing a confirmation to go along with the mirror. Some sample affirmations would be "I guess." "I honor who I am." "I am worthy." "I love you." "My life is filled with things well." "My life is filled with love." "I guess my particular abilities and talents."

A good point is to formulatethe affirmation so that it has a meaning to every single child. Affirmations can be used to change the energy around any situation.

As an example:

If a child has difficulty in a particular area of their life, or at school, a commitment to change and healing energy in order to be the situation. Repeating "I feel loved and protected all day long," would help a child to deal with terrible thoughts of feeling alone and vulnerable. "I know what is best for me," for a child to dealwith peer pressure. As long as the affirmation feels natural and not forced, it will be a calming, relaxing effect.

It is very important phrase affirmations in the positive sense, not in the negative.

As an example, say: "I am not selfish" is not an affirmation, and would undoubtedly create a situation more selfishness. Instead, feeling generous, a person would like to repeat: "I am generous and loving to myself and others." And if the person felt selfish,perhaps because of an underlying terrible idea, never enough, would be an affirmation "I am always provided," or "I always have everything I need," or "The universe is a safe and loving place. I am amply supplied. "

Negative statements have a tendency to more of a situation that will not want to. As an example, I ran into a friend of mine at the gym. She was upset because she had forgotten her gym bag and now she had to skip training. She told me she had beenrepeat themselves, before they leave the house, "Do not forget your gym bag!" Your mind focuses on the word "password" and create safe enough, it just result. If it had been repeated, "Remember your gym bag" or "I remember my gym bag," Maybe it would have been able to work from.

Finishing the children's craft project:

After the children have written their claim with the help of an adult on a sturdy card or thick paper, iffolded together can stand up by itself, instead of the map and the mirror. The mirror will remind the children of her inner beauty and self-worth, as they repeat their testimony, all day.

Who of all ages can affirmations, positive thoughts, which in turn create a wonderful life of beauty, meaning and promise to create!

(Note: Extensions can be added to the mirror and confirmation, if desired, such as sequins, feathers, paper cut-outs, etc.)

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Organize Your Sewing Craft Room and Fabric - Easy Steps to Organizing Fabric and Crafts

I have just my organization of the craft and fabric area, and I am amazed at how I was able to reduce everything in and create such easy access to. I previously used storage tanks, a quick solution, but not a time saving, as I had seven storage tanks made of fabric and now they have folded flat on shelves in white cabinets. Here is a quick and easy step by step plan to complete happiness and the organization.

First, go through your fabric and keep that only birdieup-to-date and in good condition. (Any substance will not you donate or not to use them to centers or schools for class projects, childcare.)

Keep the fabric by a flat fold selvage to selvage, fold over and fold forward, nice and neat please!

Place the fabric folded neatly in stacks such as colors, red, blue, green, etc.

Place the flat lines on shelves or racks either bins or cabinets.

Heavy and bulky materials, such as upholsteryCloth, curtain, or big birdie, pulling cardboard tubes, you can get these from the fabric store. I had several types of fleece, which I was rolling on the tubes, not with storage space.

State of the cardboard tubes and / or tissue rolled up in a large square plastic trash can.

Take your pattern and sort by species such as means, crafts, children's, etc. Place all the women model, uses the bag Ziplock bag in label, the bag with sample numberand size. This saves time, try, again fold fit in the pattern envelope. Place the pattern in a large clear plastic storage container with an easy tab lid.

Place all your strips, ribbons, zippers and special accessories in storage tubs with lids

Place buttons and beads in their own storage container.

Place art supplies in a separate container.

After all your craft and sewing items contained use a label maker and mark eachContainer with the contents so that you always know what is in each container so a saving of time and money saver, because you will not be duplicated if you what you have and where is it to know.

Enjoy your newly organized crafts and textiles.

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Gymnastics Warm Ups : Standing Stretches for Gymnastics Warm Ups

Learn gymnastics warm ups such as standing goes in this free video on gymnastics warm-ups. Expert: Heather McCanna Bio: Heather McCanna has on cards for ten years. She teaches craft lessons to primary school children and regularly volunteers arts-and crafts-time to a local high school. Filmmaker: Charles McCanna

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Friday, August 20, 2010

Starting a Day Care Center

Everyone seems on the beginning of new businesses to talk to the fluctuating economic times a lot. Your financial advisor or your financial planner can advise you on the various modes of making money. One such method is to start a day care center. If you live in a vibrant city, it could be admitted, many parents who would be willing to have their children are to receive a day care would, while they are away, for their work.

Before you decided to open the day care center, you mustwell aware that the legislation to operate in your state. Different countries may have different laws. Most importantly, you need to operate under an approved body. However, some states also allow non-licensed day care centers, with only a limited number of children. If you are a licensed center in business, you can get financial support from the government as well. To do this, you must be registered in the state of your heart. In this way it is for you to easily manage the costs andCapital.

The next part is how you present your service. Parents should be attracted to the organization that they are counting on. For this you have to pay a great attention to design and decorate your middle. Be as creative as you can. Since we are dealing with children, so you can play with different colors in the decoration to enhance the cheerful mood of the whole site. You can use pens to work cloth hanging children's drawings and art. You canwith stencil letters of the alphabet on the walls to draw and paint them with bright colors. Another idea is to give children the hand a few non-toxic paints and they apply to their hands. Later, they can press their hands against the walls to create different patterns.

You take a great responsibility on your shoulders when you run a day care center. Because children are fragile, you must make sure that the best way, and indulge in activities whichensure their safety. Because the children to live in a cluster environment, a high risk of disease is the situation. To avoid that you have to bring a few things. Make sure you add hand sanitizers and facial tissues in your list. Make sure you keep up with some general medication medications for fever, colds, etc. Air-borne diseases are likely to spread when a child has a bad cough.

Apart from that, you must ensure that the children holdManners are enough. It would be nice to know whether the parents and to you, come to complain about the abusive language that your child what he / she must be learned in the kindergarten with other children. Also you have to different cries, pushing and kicking the children while they fight to control a certain thing. Do count on a healthy environment that promotes the children both physically and emotionally.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Easy Kids Crafts: How to make a colorful popscicle sticks bookmark

visit for more children and crafts info: visit: Manualidades para Niños en Español para adultos en Español Manualidades: Muslim Kids Videos and Crafts: Background Music: Free Royalty Free Music from: Free Music by Kevin MacLeod from: public domain music be downloaded at: About Simple KidsCraft: Simple Kids Crafts is a blog dedicated to reviving the ancient art of the craft. and art that is produced toys gone lost. We offer fun crafts with step by step instructions, Coloring Pages, home school resources, educational resources, children's arts and crafts projects for teachers and all for free! The focus of the site is mainly to preschool, kindergarten and elementary school crafts. Take beautiful, light, simple crafts with things around the house with found: paperCraft felt, animal crafts, decoration, painting, beading, making gifts, gardening, crafts, dolls, play the latest tips, scrapbooking, yarn and needle crafts, photography, home decor, reading, poetry, jewelry making projects and scientific projects. am About the author of the video: My name is Merve I am a Muslim, an engineer from New York, a mother, a wife and a crafter by nature. My parents took me to the art and craft at a very early age. I love arts and crafts as a hobby, but alsoto ...

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How to Transform Your Children's Bedroom Into a Cartoon Hero Sanctuary in 10 Hours

Imagine your radiant smile of the child when they see their newly designed theme rooms, bedrooms cartoon. Are you always that warm glow? Screech turns your appearance as you picture icy days and weeks of upheaval and conduct disorder and disturbance, during this wonderful make-over. So what if you could a blueprint that you promise to work only 10 hours to reach your child's dream bedroom? Well here it is found.

Hour 1 - Planning

Do your research on the Internetensure bedrooms are accessories for your child's favorite cartoon character for sale.

Set a budget for this make-over and order your favorite accessories. As an ideal minimum, curtains, sheets and pillowcases, wall stickers and light shade need, costs about £ 60 or $ 90. But if you feel excessive, the sky is the limit!

Hour 2 - Colour Matching

Do a Google Image Search for your child cartoon hero.
Print a selection of10 relevant images.
Review it set for two background colors, your theme character.

Background colors are best with if you want color to avoid disasters such as brown walls, if you tried to work with Scooby Doo game.

An example would be if the cartoon hero Ben was 10, your two main colors are green and bold yellow. There are probably many colors you could choose, so choose those that are most likely to your child during appealTo avoid that conflicting or garish.

Hour 3 - Paint Shopping

Maybe you already have the equipment you need for painting the walls such as rollers, brushes, and plastic sheeting to cover the ground. Then visit your local hardware store or Web site to your color and order all necessary equipment. Check the one layer of paint first a close match for your chosen colors or paint their default selection, see if you can not find that fit a matching jacket. If you orderYou can confirm online stocks and arrange to collect from your nearest store.

If you are short in the storage room of your child, consider buying some clear storage boxes that you can up the topic later. Some Board is another good buy, while you are online.

Hour 4 - Clear Out Your Child's Room

Move the furniture and toys from the room into another room, or the landing and put the plastic sheeting to protect the floor.

5-7 hours- Color of the walls

If you bought two shades of paint available, alternate walls have to produce in any color to a two-tone effect. If you bought only a shadow ... You know what to do! With the bright colors often found in cartoons, you will soon see the dramatic impression you will give in the bedroom.

Chapter 8 - The Return To The Bedroom Furniture

Ideally, you get to Chapter 8 on the day shift, if the paint has dried. When moving theFurniture back into the bedroom, so you do not damage the new paint.

Chapter 9 - Accessorise

Start building your topic effect by the bed with the covers and theme nights compliments pillowcase.
Boost of the window by hanging new curtains topic.
Spruce up the walls with the themed wall tattoos. Arrange them in action-packed scenes. Let your child get by creative. You can also use posters and thematic boundaries, to make art squaresa bold and colorful background.
Attach the new theme or partial shade instead of a new theme night table lamp.

Hour 10 - the final touch

Go the extra mile to give your child the feeling with such a fabulously decorated rooms Special:

Fix some Board and create a collage with the theme pictures you printed Hour 2nd Leave some space, and encourage your child to fill it with his own drawings.
Increase the surface with a thematically appropriate color orCarpet.
Create a reading corner with a theme or color matching beanbag or cushions.
Spruce, boxes, cupboards or drawers decorated with pictures of them by topic.
Improve your storage options by setting theme colored hooks on the back of the door.
Transform on some colored lights in the perfect, easy storage hanging.
Create a space to promote your child's cartoon hero toys and drawings.
Suggest a craft project for a bit of fun, family time, to build aTopics headquarters out of a box or perhaps under a desk.

So go ahead, you start turning your children dull space into a cartoon hero headquarters today. The use of beds and accessories to create a rich and practical style. Make your color scheme, fun and inspiration to a real sense of drama. A child's bedroom is not just a room to sleep, it is their comfort zone. Make it special.

Copyright 2009 Chloe Alice Wilson

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Easy Arts & Crafts Kid's Projects: Puppet Lion with Grocery recycled bag

visit for more children and crafts info: visit: Manualidades para Niños en Español para adultos en Español Manualidades: Muslim Kids Videos and Crafts: Background Music: Free Royalty Free Music from: Free Music by Kevin MacLeod from: public domain music be downloaded at: About Simple KidsCraft: Simple Kids Crafts is a blog dedicated to reviving the ancient art of the craft. and art that is produced toys gone lost. We offer fun crafts with step by step instructions, Coloring Pages, home school resources, educational resources, children's arts and crafts projects for teachers and all for free! The focus of the site is mainly to preschool, kindergarten and elementary school crafts. Take beautiful, light, simple crafts with things around the house with found: paperCraft felt, animal crafts, decoration, painting, beading, making gifts, gardening, crafts, dolls, play the latest tips, scrapbooking, yarn and needle crafts, photography, home decor, reading, poetry, jewelry making projects and scientific projects. am About the author of the video: My name is Merve I am a Muslim, an engineer from New York, a mother, a wife and a crafter by nature. My parents took me to the art and craft at a very early age. I love arts and crafts as a hobby, but alsoto ...

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Monday, August 9, 2010

Lalita's Gallery #3 Presents Her Beautiful Unique Asian Art Gallery Album

Hello again everyone, Welcome to my Gallery # 3rd Have you ever for ideas of what to give to a special friend or family member as a valuable member present that, without so many words, to show they really know how much you care for or appreciate them at a loss? Those who have been there and done this will understand that it might not always as easy as it seems, and can sometimes be a worrying venture into an abyss crowded impersonal mass produced with overvalued, overpriced to know to searchby. The truth is that sometimes, although certainly never intended to make an offer of this kind could well insult the recipient, rather than please. But giving gifts from time to time is a part of most people's lives, and this is the case, maybe I have the perfect solution for you. If you already have a look at my gallery # 2, you saw all the beautiful miniature Asian Village Life Painting, created a Co-op of the rural village school children here inThailand way back zwischen 1995 and 2000. I have 20 selected by these unique creations and together yet another unique item that everyone, regardless of rank and reputation would be thrilled when given a gift. One who not only looks like a treasure, but is in reality only know that, I call it "Lalita's Asian Art Gallery". It comes with a very impressive gold or silver outer layer and in two different sizes. The prices are very reasonable and buys from producers direect (That's me) The savings are...

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Friday, August 6, 2010

Gustav Klimt

Gustav Klimt (July 14, 1862 - February 6, 1918) was an Austrian Symbolist painter and one of the most prominent members of the Vienna Art Nouveau (Vienna Secession) movement. His major works include paintings, murals, sketches and other art objects, many of which are on display in the Vienna Secession gallery. Klimt's primary subject was the female body, and his works are characterized by an open eroticism - nowhere is this more evident than in his numerous drawings in pencil (see Mulher Sentada,below). Klimt was born in Baumgarten, near Vienna, the second recognized by seven children - three boys and four girls.All three sons displayed artistic talent early. His father, Ernst Klimt, formerly from Bohemia, was a gold engraver. Ernst married Anna Klimt are not (née Finster), whose ambition was realized a musical actress. Klimt lived in poverty for most of his childhood, as work was scarce and the economy difficult for immigrants. In 1876, Klimt was enrolled in the Vienna School of Arts andCrafts (art school), where he studied until 1883, and receive training as an architectural painter. He revered the foremost historical painter of the time, Hans Makart. Unlike many young artists, Klimt accepted the principles of conservative Academic training. In 1877 his brother Ernst, who would, like his father, has become an engraver, also enrolled in school. The two brothers and their friend Franz Matsch began working, by 1880 it had received numerous commissions as a teamthey ...

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mother's Day Community Service

In my class we were Spanish, the assignment of doing two hours of community service given. Brianna and I have 2 and half hours of our time, the Carleton Library are supported, Mother's Day arts and crafts for the children. The children decorated bags for their mothers.

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Sunday, August 1, 2010


Hi, I'm Carly, I'm 21 and I'm a drama specialist. I love children and drink tea. I have three industry-recognized qualifications and a diploma in contemporary performance practice. I have a lot of experience teaching children of all age groups and lead workshops as Shakespheare for children, musical theater, acting techniques, improvisation and voice. In my spare time I enjoy arts, crafts and SLR photography. I graduated last year and I can leave my job in the clothing to retailAt any time, so I can do it as soon as you want me. So please take me, a part of your family this summer. You can find me on Twitter at captainteacake or Facebook under my own name if you have any questions, please do not have to ask, I'm very open and friendly and I dont bite ....

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