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We'll place for you with an interest in arts and crafts for kids , share ideas and projects, create interest groups, and have fun! with your child.
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If you had only a small child, what was your favorite part of Christmas give (except gift, of course)? You would probably remember how excited you were when you and your family, you put your Christmas tree and Christmas decorations to start. Like most other children, would you really want your parents to help with the holiday preparations. Well, since you already older, do not you think it is time that the younger generation to experience the same feeling thatBefore you enjoyed?
Preparations for Christmas by individual decoration
There are so many ideas, Christmas decoration you can use for your home. You can choose to buy only from the Mall or you can just do it yourself. Actually creating your own Christmas decorations is a great way to spend time with your children. There are making Christmas decorations, which are very simple and you can even ask your kids to do, these budget craft projects that do not require a big one.Below are some reminders so that you carry out your plan and prepare effectively.
• Create a layout first thing you want to do that you evaluate the situation, the things you need. You can also plan with a planned, when you will start also the approximate date when the decorations can be completed. Of course, it should be completed approximately one week prior to Christmas, so that you take into account any timetable.
• Ask yourself how muchThey are willing to spend on your Christmas decorations. Note that you have other expenses such as Christmas gifts and foods. You need to work to your budget.
• Always read the things that you can use at home. Instead of buying everything you need, you can only use what is available. You just have to be resourceful and creative.
• for each proposal, Ask, so that each of you will be a contribution. to ask other opinions, you will be able to come in withbright ideas.
• You can look out for old Christmas decorations and new from them. It is very easy to do. Take, for example, you have an old Santa Claus figure, faded hat, has everything you need to do is repaint it and it is as good as new!
Christmas decorations are up to create a brighter atmosphere, and add and share the spirit of the holiday season. However, most of these items no longer offered at low prices on the Mall or other stores. Withthe economic problems, the people who are now, it does not make sense to buy your decorations with price tags higher than even your basic needs. Instead of buying ready made ornaments, dress up your own home with personalized touches to your Christmas decorations! This is not only easy on the pocket, most importantly, it's fun and joy with your family.
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Too many parents consider play as simply a means of diverting and distracting their children. Playthings are often seen as a means of keeping children happy, rewarding them, keeping them out of mischief, and giving parents free time.
Not often enough do parents think of play and toys as fundamental aspects of a child's education, as a means through which children learn to understand the world around them, and as the primary method by which children acquire many basic skills.
Parents can help make their children's play stimulating by doing three things.
First, they can adopt an attitude of conscious, deliberate planning in which play is regarded as one of the most important aspects of their children's environment.
Second, they can see to it that their children are provided with the kinds of toys and playthings that will help develop the widest possible varieties of skills and abilities.
Third, they can assume a direct, participating role in their children's play.
Planning a child's play does not mean planning each activity for every moment of the child's playtime. On the contrary, children should have maximum independence in choosing their own activities. And, within the limits of the daily routine of the home, a child should also choose the time for their activities, as well as the duration of each. Good planning makes sure that play is as varied and stimulating as possible.
A child should play at different times, with friends, with parents, and by theirself. This play should include, within a period of about a month, all or most of the following types of activities, each geared to the age level of the child.
Here are 5 of them:
1. Games
Games are perhaps the most basic of all forms of play. From peek-a-boo to chess, from pat-a-cake to baseball, games occupy a central role in the lives of most children from infancy to adolescence. Games may be physical or mental. In general they involve the development of skills, although some lead to the acquisition of information.
2. Arts and Crafts
Arts and crafts give children many opportunities to express their desire to make things. Crayons, paints, clay, construction paper, scissors and paste, wood, leather, felt, and cardboard are among the materials that help children develop their creative imaginative, and aesthetic abilities. Arts and crafts also develop skills in manipulation, perception, and analysis.
3. Construction Play
Construction play involves assembling objects from what are usually prefabricated parts. It is less creative than arts and crafts, but is also useful in developing many skills. Putting together a set of railroad tracks and trains is a form of construction play, as is play with erector sets, Tinker toys, blocks and the like.
4. Projective Play
Protective play is play in which a child adds dramatic and emotional meaning to activities with representative toys-dolls, trucks, soldiers, homemaking sets, and doctor kits. Its great value lies in the role playing done by the child rather than in the development of specific skills.
5. Hobbies
Hobbies which cannot be otherwise classified will generally fall under the heading of collecting activities. Collecting stamps, coins, rocks and minerals, butterflies and insects, sea shells, and leaves are all common and popular hobbies. While some help in the development of certain skills, their greatest value is in the considerable knowledge a child can acquire in pursuing them.
Most play can be classified in one of these five groups, and, ideally, play should include all of these types. Also, as skills develop, the activities should move to a higher, more mature level.
However, a child does not automatically vary his play or develop in it. This is where the parent's planning comes in -- continually making the child aware of the broad opportunities available to him in play, initiating certain activities during playtime, making suggestions when the child needs and wants them, buying toys that will in themselves lead to new pursuits, stimulating new interests and ideas in any of a variety of ways. The parent should not manage the child's play, but should try to nudge it in the right directions.
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To my amazement I sat and watched as she began to rock back and forth to the beat of the music. I never knew a baby could have a sense of rhythm at just six months old, but she certainly did. She would smile and giggle and she lit up the room. Our house was always filled with music and she seemed to love it.
As she got bigger she continued to dance at every opportunity and I knew it was something I would have to encourage. She was a natural. It was as if it was what she was meant to do. As soon as she turned two I enrolled her in a dance class. I didn't realise you could start them in classes so young but as she had the talent and I wanted her to be able to explore her abilities.
Before her first class we had to go get her first pair of children's dance shoes - it was confusing to say the least. So many brands, so many choices and the fact she would outgrow them quickly made it even more difficult. Little did I know this would be the first trip of many in the years to come and it would become a mother daughter tradition that I would treasure.
As we had her feet measured she was amazed with the colours and ribbons. I had decided her first pair of children's dance shoes had to be pink - that was a must. As she was my only girl in a family of five children, she wore pink every day. I never knew there was such an art in deciding which children's dance shoes to buy but the sales clerk explained that each style was different and a good fit was essential. She said they needed to be snug in order to stay on while dancing so she carefully tried on several pairs to make sure we found the right one.
We ended up choosing a pair of children's dance shoes that were very pretty and befitting a two year old. They were pink with ribbons and made her look like a little princess. I remember watching her in her first performance wearing those sweet little shoes. She smiled at everyone and began to dance like it was what she was born to do. Every movement being slightly exaggerated which made people giggle at times. On her face there was a seriousness at times that made me wonder what she was thinking. My precious little princess. My baby girl.
My little girl has since gone through many pairs of children's dance shoes. But every new pair has to be pink and when she dances she still has that determined look. I have kept her first pair of children's dance shoes in hopes that maybe one day she will have a daughter of her own to pass them down to. And that one day she will feel the joy I feel the first time I saw her perform in those little pink shoes.
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Raising a teenager is a challenging task for parents. It may be a stage full of confusion for your teenager, it is crucial to guide you as parents and teach your teen the right direction, without destroying it your relationship with your child. If you want to know some tips for parenting teenagers, here are some that you might find useful in dealing with them. It is in times like these that teenagers a little rebellious and stubborn, but of course you can do something about itit.
- Set realistic goals for your teen. Sometimes, too much expectation on young people often stress they can, and will not help. Try to force them not what you want, but allow them to discover their own abilities and to support when they have difficulties. If they find a hard time in science, ways to help him in this aspect. Tutorials and after school programs are also a great help as well. Keep in mind to give, however, options and not just to imposeRules on them.
- Listen to and acknowledge the views of your teen. Listening is an important skill that many people have ignored, especially when it comes to building relationships. listen in raising teenagers, your child is also important. You must also confirm his opinion - even if this does not mean you agree with him. Most young people want independence at this stage of life, and it matters when they are heard, or felt, if their viewsrecognized.
- Be your child's model. Of course, if you want your people to grow in a responsible teen, you have a good example. Be aware of how you deal with other people. Your teenager is likely to imitate them.
- Learn effective communication with your child. to work regardless of relationship you try if is important in marriage, at work or raising a teenager, open and effective communication. Encourage your childYou ask if he has questions and a parent who may request assistance at any time. Of course, you have to spend time with your children as well. Open communication begins with time for your teenager and your whole family.
- Try it, by understanding themselves in his shoes. Of course, you have been through that stage and you know how a teenager feels about this particular time in life. Note, however, that young people today is not the same as the be in your time but make sure youalso understand his feelings.
- Do you know the warning signs before you stop it can not. If your daughter has often missed the curfew or skipped classes lately, or have been sleeping late, you have to consider for action. However, it is important to know the right timing of course. Sometimes young people become rebellious if you are too close to them.
Raising a teenager is indeed a challenge for most parents, but if you give them time to open communication andburden, if they be considerate and when they can punish him make great strides to make it a little easier.
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Religion and spirituality is widespread
There are about 40 organized religious faith groups around the world, according to The major world religions, such as Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Judaism to name a few, each have over three million followers. Millions of others practice spirituality in the form of meditation, prayer and contemplation.
Some Humor
Religiousness as well as spirituality is often the target of jokes. Well-known iconoclast Bill Maher tells this story of three women and their sons:
Three women are chatting about the qualities of their sons. The first one says:
"I am happy that he has decided to become a priest: Every time he enters a room, people look at him with respect and exclaim: 'My father!'"
The eyes of the second woman shone and she commented:
"Well, I am even happier to know that my son not only followed the priesthood but was appointed cardinal. So, when he comes into the room, people lower their heads in respect, kiss his hand and say: 'Your Grace!'"
The third woman remains in silence. The other two turn to her and ask: "And what about your son?"
"Well, my six feet tall and handsome, with fair hair and blue eyes. Every time he comes into a room, people look at one another and say: 'My God!'"
Some Research
Researchers have studied extensively religiousness and spirituality. A growing body of psychological science is suggesting that religious (including spiritual) people are happier, healthier, and recover better after traumas than non-religious ones.
For example, 47 percent of people who report attending religious services several times a week describe themselves as "very happy," versus 28 percent of those who attend less than once a month. Researchers do not know why!
Psychologists at the University of British Columbia showed that spirituality was a more important contributing factor to children's (8-12 years of age) happiness than religious practices.
Increased happiness in adults and adolescents correlated positively to spirituality (an inner belief system that a person relies on for strength and comfort) and religiousness (institutional religious rituals, practices, and beliefs).
The authors concluded that "enhancing personal meaning may be a key factor in the relation between spirituality and happiness." Expressing and recording acts of kindness toward others as well as acts of altruism and volunteering may help to make children happier.
Contributing to Happiness
What does this have to do with midlife coping strategies? The same strategies apply to mid lifers. Taking on a "game worth playing," being fully engaged, quality relationships and being of service all contribute to mid age happiness. Perhaps there is no real difference amongst the religions; the spiritual principles are shared. Both religion and spiritual practice can contribute to happiness.
Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of The How of Happiness, speculates on the benefits of going to religious services on a weekly basis. She assumes that the regular ritual:
• comforts people in the face of hard times,
• distracts them from stresses and hassles,
• provides compassion for those less fortunate,
• offers social and emotional support from other members,
• affirms their identities, values, and lifestyle,
• reinforces their meaning in life (e.g., "We are more than just a momentary blip in the universe"),
• gives inspiration, awe, and hope (e.g., "I can do this," "I am stirred to go help someone today or forgive my enemy or save the planet."),
• is associated with a sense of control and strength in coping with challenges,
• and likely much more.
Spiritual awareness
As people enter middle age, spirituality and/or religion become more important to them; they are part of the adult developmental process.
Frederic Hudson, author of The Adult Years: Mastering the Art of Self-Renewal notes:
"The second half of life is about moving beyond 'ego' concerns into the life of the 'self,' a spiritual aspect of mature life. Through the conscious development of an inner self, we discover connections to universal qualities of life everywhere. This spiritual awareness transforms our sense of purpose, and we begin to pursue a higher consciousness characterized by wholeness, reflection, and trust - investing our energy in forms of life and work that will outlive us."
Many thanks to Dr. Fred Horowitz for contributing to this article.
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My wife and I have three children and they are 11, 6 and 2. In the past I have not been able to spend a lot of time with my family do to my job. Being a truck driver is hard on the family and I was gone 6 days a week and home for 36 hours. However, through a certain turn of events an I was able to start working closer to home, and I am home everyday. I work nights, but I work 4 on/ 4 off and I love it.
After all said and done I found myself seeking things to do on my 4 days off. I started a home based business which is working very well and I was able pick up where I left off in one of my businesses and I had plenty of time with my kids.
My wife and kids are everything to me. Each one of my kids are unique in every way possible. So when my new "life" started I thought I should look in to things to do with the kids: i.e crafts and parties. So, I started to look on the Internet for ideas and I found tons of great craft ideas and awesome theme parties to do.
I encourage hands on and using your imagination when I'm with my kids doing crafts. Even coloring in a coloring book sometimes bring out the best conversations with my children. I also find when doing crafts is that the more you encourage the more you will see their little brains "just" working.
All children are special, if you give them a chance they just might surprise you.
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